It is not Just about me , it is mostly about my friends ,
my neighbors , my family , my scout troop ,
and all the other people that had helped me in the past
and will continue to show their support for
my future projects
This site is dedicated to the brave men and women
who had answered the call of duty and are
making sacrifices for our country
The picture was taken by Tiffany ( My Sister ) on a school field trip on April 2001
It was used on the WTC Buttons
Over $700 was raised from the WTC Buttons Sale in front of our drive way after 9-11
Club Scouts held a WTC Buttons Sale on election day 2001
A Sum Total of $ 1,200 was raised
The First Version of We Love America Signs as a Club Scout Project
Putting On The Hits performance stired strong emotions
A Second Effort and the Signs are Still There !
Giving out Yellow Ribbons during 2003 Spring Replanting for the school
Club Scouts held a Very Successful Mum Sales in the Fall of 2002 to made it possible for the
2003 Spring Replanting which included the installation of a Sprinkler System for the School
Over a thousand Pocket Flags were folded by a joint project between
Club Scout Packs Den 8 , 2 and 4 of Boy Scout Troop 577 ,
Girl Scout Junior Troops 933 and 932 and Brownies Scout Troop 915
from both Dinkelmeyer and Newbridge Schools of N Bellmore
together with Student Body of Dinkelmeyer School
VFW of N Bellmore , NY Vigilant Post 2770 accepted and shipped the flags
oversea to Our Soldiers at Tekrit and other parts of Iraq
Pocket Flags were also folded by Scouts of Troop 192
and was included with the Second Troop Support Items Collection
Folding Pocket Flags during camping trip on Fall of 2006 with Troop 192
The Student Greenworks Club Shell Project
The Sand Pit Project of the Student Greenworks Club
The project was completed on June 2005
My Used Toys for Christmas On Jackson Street for EOC of Nassau County
Dropping off support items to VA Hospital , Evan's first outing for Troop 577 after joining on Feb 2007
Memorial Day Parade 2008

Memorial Day Parade May 25 2009
The Beginning !
It was a overwhelming sucess !!!
Commander of VFW Jerry De Franco coordinated the First Collection
and the Oversea Shipment
The second Collection
We got help from Friends and Neighbors !
On the left is MSG Gerald Posner who had just
came back from his Tour Of Duty
Third from the left is Commander of VFW Post 9482 Jerry De Franco
On the right is Mr Nick Kester the founder of ON Sight Support
Most of the oversea shipping was processed with the help of On Sight Support
A Certificate for Troop 577 by VWF Commander Jerry De Franco
A Community Network in Action
Consistent Support through the Years from the Community
It's all about My Friends , Neighbors , fellow Scouts and Family
It's also about Having Fun with Friends while joining hands for a Good Cause
Cpt. Wilem S. Wong brought with him a US Flag From Iraq for Troop 577
American Legion Post 1291 and Cpt. Wong coordinated
the Fifth Collection and Shipment back in July
Cpt. William S. Wong is on leave from Iraq before
his next deployment to Afghanistan
Troop Support Items Bi-annual Collections through the years since June 2006